NECC Year End Banquet Nov 23rd
Come to the grandest event north of Toronto for excellent food, fabulous ambience, and amazing company. See whether you recognize one another when not in riding gear, all hosed down, civilized and without helmet hair. This is socializing in the grand manner and is the only event of the year where it is okay to ask someone to "Turn around and bend over." so you can recognize them.
At a mere $58 a couple (or $29! for a single) and $19 for youth, it is the bargain of the year. I know you could buy a new tire or a cool jersey for the same money but get over it. Besides, you could win a great prize worth much MUCH more. Maybe a bike worth thousands of dollars (I may be exaggerating here).
Where and when? I am glad you asked. Cardinal Golf Course and Banquet Facility on the north side of Highway 9, west of Newmarket and east of the 400 at 2740 Davis Drive, on Friday, November 23, 2018. The bar opens at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7:30 pm.
Cheques should be made out to THE NEWMARKET EAGLES CYCLING CLUB, otherwise cash will be gratefully accepted by Tony Osborne, 17 William Curtis Circle, Newmarket, Ont. L3Y 8L7. Also you can inform him of your intention to attend by email at
Come and see who will be presented with the coveted racing trophies. Did last year's winners defend their titles or are there new winners? See who suffered sufficiently to earn the indignity of The Ouchie Award and find out who won the new President's Trophy. You never know, it might be you!
There is a restriction on the amount of people, the hall can only accommodate 75 people, so get your payment in early so that you and your significant other will not be disappointed.